Red, itchy, watery eyes. Nonstop sneezing. Horrible sinus pressure and congested breathing. This is the joy of seasonal allergies in a nutshell. (Insert sarcasm here.) If you or other important people in your life suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how miserable they can be. On the rare occasion that my fall allergies strike, they …
Category: Essential Oils
9 Essential Oil Blends That Smell Like Summer
Mmmmmm… There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sunshine on your face and a warm summer breeze swirling around your body, as you enjoy countless hours walking around barefoot in the grass (or in the sand) breathing in the fresh summer air. And who can resist dangling their fit in the water as they watch …
Natural DIY Remedy for Dry / Cracked Feet
I enjoy walking around barefoot as much as possible to capitalize on the healing effects of connecting with the Earth’s natural charge. (You can learn all about how that works here.) The only downside is that the skin on my feet gets dry and cracked more easily due to so much direct friction with the ground. …
DIY Shoe Deodorizer – Simple, Natural & Super Effective
When the temp outside gets above 60°F, my sig other insists on wearing all his shoes (both dress and athletic) without socks. Listen, I totally get the desire to let your feet breathe and that’s why I wear flip-flops and sandals whenever possible. But wearing closed shoes without socks ends up being a funk-tastic situation…meaning …
Natural & Effective Relief from Insect Bites
UGH! As if it’s not annoying enough to be bothered by insects when you’re trying to enjoy time outdoors, the aftermath of being bitten is even worse. You plead with yourself to ignore the itch and, for the love of God, STOP SCRATCHING the bite area!!! Before you know it, you’re a bloody mess with …
20 Essential Oils for Natural Air Purification
When it’s cold outside, we seal our homes up and run the heat to stay warm. When it’s hot outside, we seal our homes up and run the air conditioning to stay cool. Whenever we seal the space up around us, we’re basically trapping ourselves in a box of recycled air (like in an airplane …

DIY Insect Repellent: Toxin-Free & Super Effective!
You know how there’s that one person in every group who gets eaten alive by mosquitos during outdoor festivities when it’s hot and humid? Yeah, that’s me. Or that person who bugs instinctively flock to like a moth to a flame? That’s also me. It sucks. (Pun intended) What sucks even more is spending my …
How to Make Your Home Smell Naturally Fabulous With Essential Oils
Did you know commercial air fresheners and room deodorizers are not regulated by any governing body, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? That means the companies that make these products are self-regulated and can put whatever they want into their scented concoctions. The result? Most commercial air fresheners are loaded with toxic chemicals that …
DIY Hand Sanitizer: Non-Toxic & Super Effective!
If you’re one of those peeps who swears by antibacterial hand sanitizer and faithfully carries a bottle around with you, brace yourself…there are some pretty serious truth bombs coming in this post that you may not be aware of. Ready? Here goes… The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently banned triclocarban, triclosan and several other …
DIY Hand Soap: Non-Toxic & Super Effective!
In this previous post, I shared the dangers of using antibacterial hand sanitizer and the benefits of making your own along with a super simple DIY formula. In this post, I’m hooking you up with a similar DIY recipe for hand soap that’s also non-toxic and extremely effective. Not only will this recipe help detox your personal care routine, it’ll …