Coconut Bacon Recipe

Coconut bacon? Yes! Let’s talk about it.

It’s pretty amazing that you can recreate the crunch and flavor of bacon using a health-enhancing plant food like coconut. Coconut is one of those foods I eat every single day in the form of organic coconut milk, organic coconut oil or organic coconut meat like the flakes used in this recipe.


Because coconut has antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. These properties make it extremely beneficial for the immune system and gut health by helping to clean up bad bacteria, viruses and microbes in the body.

Plus, the fatty acids in coconut help deliver important nutrients like magnesium and calcium to your cells, so your body can use crucial nutrients more effectively. Studies show coconut can even help raise good cholesterol.

When I discovered I could create a bacon experience with dried coconut meat (flakes), I was all in. And naturally, I had to share it with you once I discovered how DELICIOUS it is!

This coconut bacon tastes great on top of salads, soups, baked potatoes, steamed veggies or just as a crunchy snack on its own. It also allows you to make plant-based BLT’s with the crunch of bacon!



~ Makes 3.5 Cups (56 Tablespoons)  ~


  • 3.5 cups of large unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut aminos
  • 1 tablespoon of pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • Himalayan pink salt to taste

NOTE: If you don’t like maple flavor or sweetness in your bacon, you can reduce or omit the maple syrup.


  1. Preheat the oven to 325° F.
  2. Line a large baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper (like this) or a food-grade silicone baking mat (like this).
  3. Put the coconut flakes into a mixing bowl and then add the aminos, maple syrup and seasoning. Gently mix everything together to avoid breaking the coconut flakes into little pieces.
  4. Pour the mixture onto the lined baking sheet and use a spoon to spread the flakes out evenly.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven, bake for 10 minutes and then take the sheet out to flip and stir the flakes around for even baking. Put the baking sheet back in the oven and bake for an additional 10 minutes or until the coconut has a nice brown, caramelized color. Be very careful not to burn the coconut, because it happens quickly. (The total bake time is around 20 minutes.)
  6. Remove the coconut bacon from the oven and let it cool completely. It will get crispier as it cools,
  7. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the pantry for up to 2 weeks. If the stored bacon softens a bit, you can re-crisp it by toasting it in the oven for a few minutes.

Here’s a look at the coconut bacon ready to go in the oven:

Here’s a look at the finished product:


Cheers to enjoying clean and delicious plant-based bacon!

With love and gratitude,


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