Here’s Why Adequate Hydration is Critical to Your Health!

Did you know the majority of the human body is made of water?

That’s because water serves as a lubricant for just about every function in your body…from your heart to your brain to your muscles and joints, and so much more!

Water also plays a critical role in flushing toxins out of your system and carrying nutrients from the food you eat to your cells.

But that’s not all!


There are many more benefits that come from making sure you’re drinking enough water each day. For example, adequate hydration:

1. Combats Fatigue – Water is one of the most important sources of energy for your body. It helps your cells complete the important activities that are necessary for good sleep, restoration of bodily systems and the production of energy to power you through your day. (Interesting fact: Chronic dehydration is the number one cause of fatigue.)

2. Reduces High Blood Pressure –  When your body is fully hydrated, your blood is about 92% water.  This helps your blood move freely through your veins and arteries, helping to prevent high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

3. Promotes Skin Health – Proper hydration is critical for allowing your skin to rid itself of toxins, resulting in beautiful glowing skin. Without proper hydration, your skin can easily become irritated, inflamed and congested causing a host of unpleasant issues like blackheads, redness, acne, itching and general blotchiness.

4.  Alleviates Allergies & Asthma – Dehydration causes the body to create more foreign body’s known as histamines, which can cause allergic reactions, congestion and difficulty breathing. Being adequately hydrated helps keep histamines in check.

5. Stops High Cholesterol – When your body doesn’t have enough water, it will start to produce more cholesterol in an attempt to help your cells function properly. When you are adequately hydrated and your cells are functioning well, cholesterol production is slowed.

6. Alleviates Digestive Issues –  Water helps reduce the occurrence of ulcers, bloating, gas, gastritis, acid reflux and IBS. When you’re adequately hydrated, you will also experience less frequent constipation since water helps to efficiently move the food you eat through your intestinal tract.  Simply put, a well-hydrated body purges toxins and gets rid of metabolic wastes MUCH better than a dehydrated body!

7. Speeds Up Joint & Cartilage Repair – Most of the padding in your cartilage is made up of water. If you don’t drink enough water, your bones will feel stiff and your joints will take more of a beating.  You will bounce back from injuries and recover from your workouts much better with proper hydration.

8. Flushes Bladder & Kidney Bacteria – People who are adequately hydrated experience less frequent bladder and kidney infections, since water helps to flush out unwanted bacteria that tries to accumulate in these cleansing organs. Your bladder and kidneys are especially sensitive to disease without proper hydration, because they are responsible for eliminating toxins and waste from your body.

9. Stops Unwanted Weight Gain –  When your cells are depleted of water, they can’t create the energy your body needs to function properly. That results in your cells is sending a signal to your brain to “get more energy.” This makes you feel hungry and causes you to eat more when you’re dehydrated instead of hungry, leading to unwanted pounds. You can avoid this by staying hydrated to prevent your cells from sending unnecessary “feed me”  signals to your brain. Staying adequately hydrated also helps to speed your metabolism.

10. Improves Mood & Cognitive Function –  When your body’s hydration needs aren’t being met, your brain and central nervous system feel depleted. This negatively affects your mood and your ability to concentrate. By staying adequately hydrated, you end up reducing anxiety and irritability, and increasing concentration and short-term memory.

11. Slows the Aging Process – because the organs and systems in your body are enabled to work properly.Finally, all of our organs require copious amounts of water to function properly. If we stay dehydrated for long stretches, every cell, organ, and system in the body has to work harder, which means we will age faster. Drinking enough water literally keeps you young feeling, looking, and acting – for longer.


I’m probably not telling you anything new…we constantly hear how important it is to drink lots of water each day.

Yet it’s estimated that around 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. WHOA!

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help others easily form the habit of getting adequately hydrated each day. Click here to learn my ninja tricks for making it happen!


Think of the the sinks and toilets in your home. What’s the critical component for keeping them clean and functional? WATER!

Imagine if you constantly dumped waste into your sinks and toilets and only added some water here and there. What would happen?

Your plumbing would be horribly backed up and stop working, and it would require a costly visit from a plumber to hopefully fix the problem in one visit!

It’s the same thing with your body…it needs adequate bursts of water throughout the day to function well. If not, the plumber will be your doctor and the bill you end up paying will be much higher!

You don’t want that to happen, right? Me neither. So let’s get hydrated! Click here for tips to make it a snap.

Cheers to manifesting your best level of health be getting adequately hydrated each day!

With love and gratitude,


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