Daily Detox Practice: Drinking Warm Lemon Water First Thing in the Morning

Your body is equipped with several internal organs and systems that are designed to eliminate toxins like your digestive tract, lymphatic system, colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin.

When your body is overrun with toxins, however, the systems in your body can’t compete and toxins end up lodged within your cells, internal organs, skin and fatty tissue.

This toxic build-up damages your cells, weakens your immune system and bogs down your organs making it difficult for your body to function effectively.

Even when you follow a clean diet and stay adequately hydrated, your body is still exposed to many toxins in the environment around you. When toxins find their way inside your body, you are more susceptible to illness and serious diseases like cancer.

That’s why it’s so important to develop and maintain daily habits that clean and detox your body.


Lemon juice provides your body with loads of vitamins and minerals that help it function more efficiently. When mixed with water, lemon juice quenches thirst better than any other drink out there.

This is especially important first thing in the morning after you wake up, because your body’s tissue is dehydrated and in desperate need of fluid to push out toxins.

The simple habit of drinking warm lemon water first thing each morning has MANY health benefits, which are listed below.

Why first thing in the morning?

Because your stomach is empty after sleeping all night, so the lemon water has nothing to compete with in your gut and will be quickly absorbed into your system. Plus, it kicks your body into detox mode right at the start of your day. SCORE!


1. Cleanses & Detoxes – Lemon water is extremely effective for helping your liver release toxins. It also helps cleanse your blood and arteries.

2. Electrolyte Boost – Lemon water provides your body with loads of hydrating electrolytes in the form of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

3. Stronger Immune System – Lemons have powerful antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals (toxins) and strengthen your immune system.

4. Alkalizes Your Body & Fights Cancer – Lemon water helps your body achieve and maintain a higher pH level keeping acidity at bay, which helps your body fight serious diseases like cancer.

5. Improves Digestion – The citric acid contained in lemons stimulates the secretion of gastric juice in your body, which helps with smoother digestion.

6. Joint & Muscle Healing – The super-hydrating action of warm lemon water helps to lubricate your joints, reducing joint and muscle pain.

7. Inflammation Buster – Lemons have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, drinking lemon water can help battle any pain or ailment that’s linked to inflammation in your body.

8. Regulates Bowel Movements – Lemon water helps keep everything moving in your digestive tract, which helps with more regular bowel movements.

9. Revitalizes Your Skin – Lemons contain high levels of vitamin C, which improves the health of your skin.

10. Decreases Depression & Anxiety Symptoms – Depression and anxiety are often linked to not having enough potassium in your blood. Lemon juice has a high potassium content, which can alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms.

11. Improves Oral Health – Lemon water helps kill bacteria in your mouth and can stop gingivitis. It also helps to freshen your breath.

12. Supports Weight Loss – Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings.


To make your warm lemon water even more healthful and effective for detoxing your body, I recommend adding two health-transforming spices to the mix:

  • Ginger. Ginger is a super spice that’s notorious for its ability to strengthen your immune system, fight inflammation and kill bacteria. You can use organic ginger powder or fresh grated ginger. (I buy my organic ginger powder in bulk here on amazon to save money.)
  • Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne pepper is also a super spice, which has a nice spicy kick. It stimulates circulation, eliminates acidity and helps your digestive system move bacteria and toxins out of your body. It also increases your body temperature, which boosts your metabolism.  (I buy my organic cayenne pepper in bulk here on amazon to save money.)


Making yourself a cup of warm lemon water each morning is a snap!

 Heat your water to the point that it’s about to boil, but it’s not boiling. I use a small saucepan to heat my water, so I can see when it’s almost at the boiling point. (You could also use a teapot or coffee brewer.)

After pouring the heated water into your cup, cut a fresh lemon in half or in quarters and squeeze the juice into the cup.  (This citrus squeezer makes getting all the juice out of your lemons a snap!) Then, drop the actual lemon wedges into the water.

You can also use bottled lemon juice. Just make sure the bottle consists of 100% pure organic lemon juice, not from concentrate and without any preservatives or other added ingredients. My go-to brands of bottled lemon juice are Lakewood Organics, Santa Cruz or Italian Volcano.

A third option is using a combination of bottled lemon juice and half of a fresh lemon. That’s what I do each morning.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of organic ginger powder or freshly-grated ginger, and 1-3 dashes of organic cayenne pepper.

Use a straw to stir your water and protect your teeth. I love using reusable glass straws, which I score here on amazon.


When you go to your kitchen at the start of each day, make it a habit to whip up this simple yet super powerful detox drink before you do anything else.

Cheers to improving your health with a daily dose of warm lemon water!

With love and gratitude,


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