Remember back when low-fat diets were all the rage? Those of us who bought into the “fat is the devil” fad didn’t really care about the quality of the food we were eating, as long as it didn’t have any dreaded fat in it. The result: endless packages of “fat free” and “low fat” foods …
Author: Kandi
7 Health Benefits From Walking Daily for 30 Minutes or More
Have you ever heard the saying, “Walking each day helps keep the doctor away.” Probably not, because I just made it up (HA!). It should become a commonplace saying, though, because it’s one of the best and easiest things you can do for your health. There are multiple health benefits you’ll get from taking a …
Purify the Air in Your Home with These Hard-to-Kill Houseplants
Did you know that indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health? Yep, that means the air in your home and office could be making you sick. Here’s why: Indoor environments that are sealed up without any fresh air flow allow pollutants to build up and linger in …
20 Essential Oils for Natural Air Purification
When it’s cold outside, we seal our homes up and run the heat to stay warm. When it’s hot outside, we seal our homes up and run the air conditioning to stay cool. Whenever we seal the space up around us, we’re basically trapping ourselves in a box of recycled air (like in an airplane …
DIY Skin Firming Oil – Just 3 Natural Ingredients!
I love having cellulite and saggy-looking skin on my body…said no one, ever. The truth is, there is no magical potion that will firm your skin and get rid of cellulite overnight. The good news is, there are natural things you can do to make big improvements! Please don’t waste your money on expensive and …
DIY Insect Repellent: Toxin-Free & Super Effective!
You know how there’s that one person in every group who gets eaten alive by mosquitos during outdoor festivities when it’s hot and humid? Yeah, that’s me. Or that person who bugs instinctively flock to like a moth to a flame? That’s also me. It sucks. (Pun intended) What sucks even more is spending my …
DIY Popsicle Recipe: Simple, Delicious and 100% Natural
I have very vivid childhood memories of running into my house on hot summer days and begging my mom for a popsicle. You know, the ones that come in plastic tubes and are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, food coloring and a load of other artificial ingredients. After making the painstaking decision of which …
Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea
Let me start this post by explaining that I have never been a big fan of the taste of tea. I don’t detest it, but it previously would not have been my first choice for a caffeinated beverage…especially over my beloved coffee. But then I learned about the amazing health benefits of matcha green tea …
Grain-Free Seed Cracker Recipe That’s Bursting With Nutrition!
I can’t seem to make it through a single trip to the grocery store without passing a huge display of cracker boxes at some point. And the photos on the front of the box always look so delicious and inviting. But then I look at the list of ingredients on the nutrition panel. O…M…G!!! Even …
Banana Ice Cream Recipe: Healthy, Delicious and Free of Dairy & Refined Sugar!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! If you’re trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or just follow a clean diet that enhances your health and well-being, the ice creams sold in supermarkets or at those cute little ice cream shops will leave you screaming for sure! Why? Because they are loaded …