3-Ingredient Clean Sugar Cookie Recipe (Gluten-Free, Dairy Free & No Refined Sugar)

I make no secret about the fact that I don’t love spending lots of time in the kitchen.

I do, however, care deeply about my health and feeling my best each day. That’s why I make time to prepare clean and healthy meals and snacks that consist of real, whole foods that nourish my body and strengthen my immune system.

I’m always on the lookout for quick meals and simple recipes that will honor my health (and yours), while also reducing my time in the kitchen.

I hit the JACKPOT when I discovered this 3-ingredient recipe for sugar cookies that’s clean, healthful and amazingly delicious, and I’m so excited to share it with you!

This recipe allows you to whip up a small batch of cookies in under 15 minutes, including the baking time. SAY WHAT?!


Below are the 3 simple ingredients you’ll need to make these cookies:

1. Coconut Flour. Coconut flour is gluten-free, rich in dietary fiber, high in healthy fat and packed with protein. It’s very good for digestive health. You can score a large bag of coconut flour here on amazon at a great price.

2. Coconut Oil. Coconut oil is loaded with healthy fat that’s been shown to convert bad cholesterol (LDL) into good cholesterol (HDL). It also helps boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in your body. You can score a large jar of coconut oil (54 oz.) here on amazon for a great price.

3. Pure Maple Syrup. Pure maple syrup is a natural sweetener that’s loaded with antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals like zinc, manganese, potassium and calcium. You can score a large jug of a high-quality organic maple syrup here on amazon.


~ Yields 4 Medium-Size Cookies or 8 Bite-Size Cookies ~

Ingredient Measurements:


  1. Preheat the oven to 365° F.
  2. Line a cookie sheet with unbleached parchment paper.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a bowl or food processor and mix until they are well-blended. (The consistency will be more like a sticky paste than dough.)
  4. Divide the dough into 4 medium-size balls or 8 small balls. Place the balls on the parchment paper/baking sheet and flatten them slightly.
  5. Bake for about 9 minutes, or until the edges are a light golden brown. (HEADS UP: These cookies over-bake quickly, so be sure to keep an eye on them!)
  6. It is very important to let the cookies cool completely before removing them from the baking sheet, or they will crumble.
  7. Enjoy!

NOTE: If you need a bigger batch of cookies, simply multiple the measurements above to make the amount you need. EXAMPLE: If you’d like to make 24 (2 dozen) medium-size cookies, multiply the measurements by 6:

  18 Tablespoons (1 Cup and 2 Tablespoons) of Coconut Flour
  12 Tablespoons (3/4 Cup) of Coconut Oil
  6 Tablespoons (1/4 Cup and 2 Tablespoons) of Maple Syrup


Cheers to enjoying these 3-ingredient cookies that are healthful, delicious and super easy to make!

With love and gratitude,


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