7 Reasons You Need Beets In Your Diet Today!

In my experience, beets are one of those foods people either love or detest.

If you’re someone who gags at the thought of eating beets, I’m so happy you’re reading this post! Not only will you learn about the AMAZING health benefits that beets provide, I’ll also hook you up with a really delicious way to consume them.

In a nutshell…

Beets are rich in a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, making them an excellent addition to your diet that benefits your body in so many ways (as detailed below).

Plus, beets are a versatile food that can be eaten raw in salads and juices, or cooked and added to a variety of recipes for any meal of the day.


1. High in Disease-Fighting Antioxidants (Major Cancer Protection!)

Beets are naturally high in disease-fighting phytonutrients called betalains, which function as potent antioxidants that protect against cancer and fight inflammation in the body.

Studies have shown that betalains help to protect the body from developing cancers such as lung, stomach, colon and breast cancer. They also protect against heart disease and many other illnesses.

Due to their high level of antioxidants, beets are also very helpful in protecting eye health. More specifically, beets are a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two carotenoid phytonutrients (also found in vegetables like carrots and squash) that play a role in protecting eyes from developing conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

The highest supply of disease-fighting antioxidants are actually found in the greens of the beets. If you grow beets or buy them whole still attached to their leaves, be sure to add the greens to your meals instead of throwing them away!

2. Contain Anti-inflammatory Properties

The anti-inflammatory compounds (betaine) found in beets have been shown to inhibit the activity of enzymes the body uses to trigger inflammation (which is the root of most diseases).

Reduced levels of inflammation help nearly ever system within the body and fight off diseases including heart disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The average person’s diet is very high in inflammatory properties from processed foods, high amounts of sugar and low amounts of nutrients. Consuming beets is a simple and excellent way to help prevent your immune system from triggering harmful levels of chronic inflammation.

3. Support Heart Health

The betaine found in beets has been shown to powerfully regulate inflammation in the cardiovascular system, helping to reduce high blood pressure and bring cholesterol levels to a healthy balance.

Beets also contain nitrate compounds, which studies have shown positively benefit cholesterol levels. Researchers now recommend regularly consuming nitrate-rich vegetables like beets in order to protect heart health.

4. Detox the Blood

Beets are known to be natural “blood cleaners,” because they are able to cleanse the blood of toxins, heavy metals and waste. This is due to compounds they contain called glutathiones, which are essential for detoxification within the liver and other digestive organs.

The betalains in beets help to form gluthione which neutralizes toxins and makes them water-soluble, meaning they can be excreted through urine and flushed out of your body.

Also, the fiber in beets helps to “sweep” the digestive tract of waste and toxins while restoring healthy and regular bowel movements.

5. Contain Anti-Aging Properties

Consuming beets is one of the best days to cleanse the digestive tract and blood of built-up contaminants that result from a diet and lifestyle that leads to high inflammation. Detoxification in this way, combined with the high antioxidant values found in beets, is an effective way to help slow the aging process naturally.

Beets are also a great at helping to balance pH levels and to alkalize the body. Most diseases live in an acidic environment, so your body’s goal is to be slightly alkaline. Nutritious whole foods like beets help to achieve this, which slows the signs of aging in your body.

Beets are also a great source of fiber, which helps the digestive system to properly function and even supports weight loss. This is key, since many people struggle with this area as they get older.

6. Boost Endurance, Stamina & Muscle Recovery

Beets naturally contain nitrates, which you may have heard are harmful when you consume them as a part of products like deli meats, bacon and other low-quality packaged meats. But the type of nitrates found in whole foods like beets are actually very beneficial for boosting energy and performance.

Studies have shown beets provide the type of natural nitrates the body can use easily for recovery and increased physical performance. Other studies have shown that supplementing with beet nitrates allowed athletes to shave minutes off their race times and experience less bodily stress from exercise.

7. Help Maintain a Healthy Sex Drive

Many cultures have long thought of beets as a natural aphrodisiac. It’s believed that beets can help boost and maintain a healthy sex drive by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. Beets are able to do this due to their high levels of nitrates and boron, two substances that work in the body to regulate the production of human sex hormones.

Beets also help with sex drive by reducing levels of inflammation, increasing blood circulation and providing more daily energy.


Do red velvet cupcakes, cookies and cakes make your mouth water? Then this recipe for my favorite red velvet smoothie will rock your world!

Its beautiful crimson color comes solely from the natural magic of beets. It’s loaded with health benefits but tastes like dessert!

Cheers to improving your health simply by adding more beets to your diet!

With love and gratitude,


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